November 24, 2008

TV week

Very few films this week because I have become hooked on the TV show "NCIS" which began in 2003 starring Mark Harmon. The USA network is playing 3 hours of the show each day, and on Sat. 11/22, had a marathon 9 hours of shows from 2005. Great cast make the formula of the show fresh almost every episode. 8/10

Diving Bell & The Butterfly/Scaphandre et le papillon, Le (2007-French) True story of a writer for Elle who has a stroke and is paralyzed except he can blink one eye. Very slow, but interesting. 6/10

Definitely, Maybe (2008) Abigail Breslin is a doll. The usual romantic comedy stuff, but the hook is the young daughter is trying to find out about the three women her father has talked about having known. The adult cast is passable. 7/10

We are going into the deep freeze this week - 3 straight nights down in the 20s. Fireplace, wine and favorite shows and movies. That's a plan!

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