May 28, 2009

May flowers keeps me from watching films.....

.....but I have finally caught up enough to watch a few films without falling asleep in the middle.

Two in memorium for the WWII vets still with us:

They Were Expendable (1945) John Ford directs Robert Montgomery, John Wayne. Battles up to the loss of Bataan in WWII. 8/10

A Walk In The Sun (1946) Richard Conte, Dana Andrews, John Ireland. WWII invasion of Italy. 8/10

Two films from the 1960s:

Marnie (1964) Alfred Hitchcocks "Marnie" for the umptenth time. Sean Connery & Tippi Hedron. When Connery runs his lips down Marnie's face to her mouth, I just about die. Focused in super closeup; the music helps make it a very erotic scene. Love the whole film. I can watch it again and again, even if it is distrurbing, knowing what we know now as stalking and entrapment. Hitch had issues. 10/10

In the Heat Of The Night (1967) Sidney Poitier, Rod Stiger, Lee Grant, Warren Oates. Second viewing of this one in the last 6 months. 9/10

Junior Bonner (1972) Sam Peckinpaugh film starring Steve McQueen. Steve boasted he liked to go through his scripts and take out dialog, "because the camera lets me show with my face what is going on" or some such. This is one script we needed a little more talking so we know what the heck is going on. 7/10

Heat (1995) Robert DiNiro, Al Pacino. Dinero is the outlaw. Pacino is the cop. Their battle of wits is the movie. 8/10

Please! (1999) Short 15 minute film starring Gerard Butler. Intense morality tale about the danger of having guns around. 9/10

A Map Of The World (1999) Sigourney Weaver, David Strathairn, Julianne Moore. Good actors in a story of a horrible accident in a small farming community that ruins two families lives. 7/10

The Jewel Of The Sahara (2001) Short film starring Gerard Butler. 9/10

Now that I have my planting mostly done, my schedule will be more normal; I'll get back to my summer movie watching. Haven't been to a theater to see a film for months. I miss it. I have a list for the next few weeks, of films coming out that I want to see on the big screen. We'll see. Stuff keeps happening.

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