An old bird with some wisdom. This is a record of the movies I have recently watched, and an archive of the last few years with movies. FAVORITES Kay Francis, Ann Sothern, Ingrid Bergman, Deanna Durban, Glenn Ford, Nelson Eddy, Fred and Ginger, Mario Lanza
June 21, 2009
Romance & 2 Devils----
The Devil At 4 O'Clock (1961) Spencer Tracy, Frank Sinatra. Story of an island and the volcano that erupts and the hazards a priest{Tracy} and convict(Sinatra) face rescuing the children and staff of a school in the hills. Lovely location filming. Script has one to many narrow escapes and by the time they all get to the dock and load that last boat off the island, I was tired of the whole thing. 6/10
Frost/Nixon (2008) Frank Langella, Michael Sheen. Interesting take on the interviews done after Nixon leaves the Presidency. A little anti-climatic because we are expecting a big moment - and there is none. All the actors are very good in their roles. Absorbing. 8/10.
June 17, 2009

Gerard Butler is the Star whose career I am following now. I started when I saw his great characterization of the lead character in "The Phantom Of The Opera." Perhaps it was because I was taking care of my very ill husband that the story so affected me, but his anguished and crazed Phantom is one of my favorite characters.
For the past 4 1/2 years I have kept up with his projects and have seen all of his films from his start in 1996s "Mrs. Brown" to his latest now on DVD - "RocknRolla." Coming up are 2 films later this year: July 24 "The Ugly Truth" with Kathryn Heigl; and September 4 "Gamer."
The picture is from the filming of the 1st day, Monday the 15th, on the set of "The Bounty Hunter." His co-star in this one is Jennifer Aniston. We know little about the story so far. But he is looking good - a mature man at the top of his game.
Now and then I will highlight more about this fine actor.
Chow Yun Fat, The 1st Wives, & a western.....
I grade it down for the poor quality of the video tape whitch I bought in 1999. Poor transfer and Amazon should have had something about it in the online page for this film. 8/10
June 11, 2009
Chow Yun Fat shines....
All About Ah-Long (1989 HongKong "A Lang de gi shi") Chow Yun Fat, Sylvia Chang, Kwan Yuen Wong. Story of a poor man and his little boy living day by day, a lower working class life. The relationship between father and son is warm but who is looking out for who? A big chance for the boy comes and changes everything. Ah-long tries to do what is right for his little boy and finds out it is not easy to find the right solution to life's dilemmas.This is a fine film and Chow Yun-Fat is perfect as the ne'r do well who becomes a man for his son. Highly recommended.
I grade it down for the poor quality of the video tape which I bought in 1999. Poor transfer and Amazon should have had something about it in the online page for this film. It did tell us that there were subtitles, so at least we knew we were hearing the real actors own voices, which is always a plus as far as I'm concerned. So 8/10 for this video.
Chow Yun Fat is an actor I have followed since first discovering him in 1999s "Anna & The King." Tall, graceful and good looking, he is the star of the John Woo Hong Kong action films that made them both famous. But in going through his catalog of films, you realize this is a real actor with range and depth. From "The Killer;" the "Better Tomorrow" trilogy; to the sweet love story set in NYC "An Autumns Tale"; and his comedies, "God Of Gamblers 1 & 2" where he is the epitome of suave; Chow is amazing in every role. He does drama, action, passion and pathos equily well.
His films in the USA do not quite meet the standard of his work in his HK films. Except for Anna & The King with the great Jodie Foster. He IS the King, and the film only lets its' stars down because of the script. The scenery of Malaya and the score both are marvelous. The costumes are just beautiful. I loved it but realise I am a romantic and suspend my disbelief when I love something.
And the film with the great director Ang Lee; "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." Li Mu Bai was a role made for him. Almost perfect in every way, his is the quiet, strong heart of the story.
I have not seen the last Pirate film with Depp "Worlds End." Tried the 1st one and could not get through the first half hour, so will not waste time and money on the others. I did see 2007s "Curse Of The Golden Flower" and Chow was good as the emporer in a lavish production.
I'll be watching his career and hoping we have another chance to see the great man in another great film.
June 09, 2009
Errol Flynn, Gerard Butler, Robert Downey Jr....
Captain Blood (1935) Errol Flynn, Olivia deHavilland, Basil Rathbone. First film with this trio, who were so popular, Warners made stars of all three. Story of wronged Doctor in King James' England who is taken prisoner for attending a rebel and sent off to prison and then the Americas as a slave sold to the highest bidder. Which happens to be the proud daughter of the govenor. Which is just the first 10 minutes of the film. Much fighting, derring do etc. among the rigging of the tall ships with their beautiful sails. May be fake, but it's real enough, and the three stars hold the screen when the camera is on them. 9/10
The Lake House (2006) Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves. Romantic fantasy about Doctor (Sandra) who moves out of a house built on a lake on stilts, and the architect who moves in. A note she leaves in the mailbox for the next tennant about forwarding her mail gets a correspondence going. Slowly they discover there is two years difference between their lives. Interesting story. And the architecture is great.
North Country (2005) Charlize Theron, Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson, Sean Bean. Great cast in true story of the sexual harrassment suit against a mining company, the first that went to the Supreme Court and won. Showed what awful conditions and constant tension and jokes and verbal blows the women had to endure. Theron is wonderful as usual. 8/10
RockNRolla (2007) Gerard Butler, Idris Elba, Tom Hardy (The Wild Bunch); Thandie Newton(the Accountant); Tom Wilkinson, Mark Stong(The Old School): & Tony Kebbell(the RocknRolla). Fine ensemble cast in Guy Ritchies' film about the gangs of London and their various schemes to fleece and steal from each other and the public.
Cadillac Records (2008) Adrien Brophy, Beyonce' Knowles, Jeffrey Wright. The story of Muddy Waters and Chess Records rise in the 1950's. Great music. 7/10
Doubt (2008) With writer/directors commentary. Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Viola Davis. In the 1960's a Catholic school and church have conflict between a rigid nun and a priest who is trying to loosen up the school bounderies. Which brings conflict, accusations, and a war of wills. Great acting; and leaves each viewer with their own idea of what really happened and with their own 'doubt.' I was so engrossed I immediately watched the movie again with the directors commentary. I was interested to hear him say that each of the main characters were given a back story and then allowed to decide for themselves how to play the role and whether to give any hint of the answers to the questions. Much to think about. 9/10
Iron Man (2008) Robert Downey, Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges, Terrence Howard. Very enjoyable action film based on a comic. Downey is superb. The script is intelligent and keeps you interested. Much better than I expected.
Have some good film tapes and DVDs on my table to watch this week. Planting all done - just watering and trimming to do now. And rockin' and watching the wildlife.