August 23, 2009

Batman Begins and Ends----

----with a whimper - not a bang!

Batman Begins (2005) I've tried! Lord, how I've tried. For about the umptenth time I have sat down to watch Christian Bale as Batman and ended up falling asleep. Is it a DNA thing? Am I programmed to drop off when I see Bale - or is it Batman? Think it is Bale. The 1989 Batman with Michael Keaton - I loved and still watch it every year or so. I have it on tape. But I can't get interested enough in Chris and Katie Holmes to hope then end up together. Now Michael and Kim Basinger - oh yes. Loved their little romance. Although the '05 version is filled up with A-list actors in supporting roles, the story is dull and they are wasted. And none can come close to the turn Jack Nicholson did as the Joker in the '89 film. Sorry fans, I can't give this version more than 5/10. And I'm not gonna try it again unless I need something to put me to sleep!

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