August 10, 2009

My Belated Ugly Truth----

So summer is for lazing and lolling and procrastinating. But I did get dressed and head to the multiplex to see Mr. Butler take a turn at sexy comedy.

The Ugly Truth (2009) Seen on opening day July 24th; written July 28th. Gerard Butler, Katherine Heigl. Take your munchies, drink and companions and enjoy a fun filled battle of the sexes that is slightly raunchier the the usual pap, and has two winsome stars in the leads - Butler as Mike and Heigl as Abby. Men and women were equally laughing at the situations and zingers coming fast and funny by our stars.

The story is about a new shock jock, Mike, who does a segment on the news program called "The Ugly Truth" in which he tells women what men 'really want and/or think.' Ratings start climbing and Abby, smart and organized and the producer, is aghast. Her private life is bothering her because she cannot get and keep a steady man in her life. When she discovers the dreamy guy next door, a doctor no less, Mike says he can get him for her if she does what he says. That is the set up and getting to the kiss at "the end" is a fun romp.

Both stars are charming and have the comic timing to make this a good counter programming choice for those who are tired all the action films and kiddie cartoons out this summer. 8/10

I'm slow getting my reviews posted this summer, but will catch up, I swear.

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