August 31, 2010

Jean Arthur, Greer Garson & Debbie---

Last week I watched the following:

DVD Rental:

Easy Living (1937) Jean Arthur, Edward Arnold, Ray Milland, Mary Nash. The great Preston Sturges wrote the screenplay from a story by Vera Caspary. A Wall Street mogal, J.C. Ball(Arnold) gets angry at his extravagant wife, Jenny(Nash) for buying yet another fur coat - a sable for 20 thousand dollars. He tells her to take it back and she refuses. He grabs it and throws it out the window. It falls down to the double-decker bus onto the head of Mary Smith(Arthur) and breaks the feathers on her hat. She's mad and gets off the bus to find who is responsible, and thus starts one of the cleverest screwball comedies of the era. The very rich and those who feed off them, selling them things they don't need, are skewered. Milland is Ball, Jr. and falls for our gal, naturally. The scene in the elaborate bathtub when they are trying to figure out how it works is very funny. 9/10

2 from TCM:

Mrs. Parkington (1944) Greer Garson, Walter Pigeon, Agnes Moorhead, Edward Arnold. Greer as an old lady tells the story of her life starting out as a maid in a mining community, where she meets the owner of a mine. He falls for her and marries her and takes her to a storybook life of riches. This film is told in flashbacks and is episodic and I wasn't very interested. The two leads have been better in their other vehicles. IMO. 6/10

2 From My Video Collection:

Mother (1996) Debbie Reynolds, Albert Brooks, John C. McGinley. John and Carl are brothers who compete for the attention of their Mother. John is a writer in the midst of his second divorce and has just settled, losing all his furniture but one chair in the living room and the house. He has writers block and decides he needs to go back to his home and live with his Mother to try to discover why his relationships never work. A very droll and funny film, with many chuckles. Brooks and Reynolds are very good together. McGinley as the righteous brother who does everything right, is very good. I liked spending a couple of hours with these people. 8/10

A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) Haley Joel Osment, Frances O'Conner, Jude Law. Taped this off HBO way back when it was first playing after the theater release. Never watched it after the day I taped it and I really did not like it this time either. But back then it was considered an important film so ..? The whole story is just creepy and I can't stand the idea of throw away anything that have been programed to have human reactions. I think this is a video I can never watch again. 6/10

This takes me to the weekend when I watched lots more and will catch up soon.

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