She Married Her Boss (1935) Claudette Colbert, Melvin Douglas, Jean Dixon. Secretary(Julia) is highly efficient and runs office like a well oiled machine. Clueless owner of the department store(Barclay)s where they work, is divorced, living with his daughter(Annablle) - a spoiled brat; and his sister(Gertrude) who rules by having the vapors every ten minuites. The butler, Franklin,(Raymond Walborn) sees all and does accordingly. When boss decides to bring secretary home so they can continue working on the new store opening, she sees that he needs a wife. And who else but her? She is in love with the dolt but why is never divulged. Players are all good, but script is muddled and makes some of the actors seem like fools. Not in a funny way. 7/10

Midnight (1939) Claudette Colbert, Don Ameche, Mary Astor, John Barrymore, Francis Lederer. A true screwball comedy right up there with "Bringing Up Baby." Paris taxi driver Tibor, comes across showgirl Eve, running away from hotel and gambling debts. When he gets too involved, she skips out and gets into a society shindig and becomes a fourth in a bridge game with Helene Flammarion (Astor) and her partner, and Jacques Picot(Lederer) as her partner. This is exactly what Mr.Flammarion has been waiting for and he manages to set Eve up with a hotel suite at the Ritz, luggage and clothes. He arrives the next morning to tell her he just wants her to keep Picot interested and away from his wife. That's the set up and the next 45 minutes are some of the goofiest and funniest from that golden era. Ameche can go from a suave Count to a raving lunitic in the bat of an eye. Barrymore may have had to read his lines off giant cue-cards, but he is just perfect as the man behind the curtain pulling all the strings. Astor and Colbert never were filmed better. Great camera work. 10/10
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