March 09, 2012

Flying Down To Rio (1933) First time Fred and Ginger were paired in a film. The "Carioca" number was fun. Story has Delores Del Rio the object of Band Leader Gene Raymond's desire. But she is engaged to a homeboy and wants to break away. Gene gets the band fired from their job, but they are then hired to open a new Rio hotel. Fred is in the band; Ginger the singer. The usual mixups - and this is the film that has the girls of the chorus line attached to the wings of planes doing the big title number, with trapeze acts also. Crazy! Everyone should see it once! 7/10

Glenn Miller Story (1953) James Stewart, June Allyson. The music is divine. Story of the beginning of the swing era and one of the all-time great orchestras. Jimmy is Glenn and June his wife. The star is the music and Glenn's struggle to come up with the sound he heard in his mind. Uniquely his, people danced to it for years. Moonlight Serenade became his theme song and String Of Pearls, Little Brown Jug, Pennsylvania 6-5000, and many others part of our lifetimes. Worth it for the music alone. 8/10

The Right Stuff (1983) Ed Harris, Dennis Quaid, Sam Shephard, Scott Glenn, Fred Ward. From the book by Tom Wolfe, about the original 7 Mercury Astronauts and the beginning of the U S space program. Also the story of Chuck Yeager, test pilot, who flew jets faster, higher and farther than any man alive. They all had 'the right stuff' and the film is filled with great scenes of the preparations. The scene near the end when President Johnson brings the space program to Houston and a Texas size bar be que, with Sally Rand doing her fan dance to Clair de Lune, intercut with Yeager in his jet going for outer space, and the guys sitting looking at each other, as if to say "we did it" is one of my all time favorite scenes in a film. 9/10

Emma (1996 TV) Kate Beckinsale, Mark Strong. Recently viewed and commented on. I enjoy revisiting this Jane Austin story with this cast. 8/10

Evening (2007) Claire Danes, Toni Colette, Vanessa Redgrave, Natasha Richardson, Patrick Wilson, Hugh Dancy. Episodic story of dieing and remembering. As she lays in bed, ill, a woman remembers her attendance of her best friends wedding at her seaside home. The intense feelings that the wedding arouses in the bride, her best friend, her brother and the man both women really love, is played out in short scenes as she drifts in and out of sleep. Beautiful setting and cinematography. 7/10

The early jonquils are blooming;  my leftover pansies are blooming; so even if the wind is still cold, Ma Nature is ready to Spring forth.  I'm ready....

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